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Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca

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Creature and Character



*Speed Sculpt

WIP | Creature Design

*Creature Bust

WIP | Insect humanoid


Creature Bust Studio

*Field Medic

WIP | Reptile Humanoid

*Generic Alien

Creature Concept

*The Alchemist

Alien Concept

*Speed Sculpt

WIP | Creature Design

*Speed Sculpt

Creature Bust

*The Nevermind

Creature Bust

*Sad Devil

Creature Bust

*Xenomorph Tick

Creature Design

*Speed Sculpt

Creature Bust



Captain N

Character Redesign

*Villager Study

WIP | Character Design

*Mr. Freeze

WIP | Redesign

*Aquatic Goddess

WIP | Character Design

*Droid Assistant

Darling 3D Mascot


Visit my online space of work.